Caytoniales †
Extinct seed fern with possible affinities to angiosperms
The Caytoniales are an interesting group of highly derived seed ferns that may have important connections to the origins of flowering plants. These plants were thought to be small plants or small trees, growing in periodically, waterlogged habitats. Their leaves are palmately compound, and angiosperm-like. They have fertile branch systems exhibiting cupules containing several seeds. The cupule may have similarities to the angiosperm carpal, but more evidence is needed to assign a link between the angiosperms and the Caytoniales.
Ecology & Form
Stems not commonly found
Palmately compound (Sagenopteris)
Four to six leaflets
Lanceolate with entire margin
Reticulate venation, but lacking orders of venation found in angiosperm leaves
Stomata are haplocheilic and abaxial only
Reproductive Structures
Fertile branch system with seed-bearing cupules (Caytonia)
Planated, bilaterally symmetrical branch system bearing lateral opposite cupules
Interpreted as a megasporophyll by Thomas (1925)
Cupules round and recurved, with lip-like projection near the point of attachment
Several, orthrotropous ovules per cupule
Ovules possess a single integument (unitegmic); they are flattened and bilateral (=platyspermic)
Micropyle faces the cupule opening
Pollen organ (Caytonanthus)
Slender axis bears flattened pinnate lateral branches
Each branch bears one to three elongate synangia
Pollen is Vitreisporites-type
└Caytoniales †
Geologic Range
Caytoniales may be the sister group to the angiosperms (Hilton and Bateman 2006)
Leaves are angiosperm-like.
The cupule would form a second integument of the seeds, and other tissues would create the carpel.
These scenarios suggest that closure of the fertile leaf (megasporophyll) is longitudinal, which is supported by the conduplicate folding in certain extant flowering plants and even in some Early Cretaceous angiosperms.
Specimens from China (Paracaytonia) show a spiral arrangement of cupules along the reproductive axis, suggesting that the cupule‐bearing organ in Caytoniales is not a megasporophyll, but a branch or stem. (Wang 2010)
This causes problems for their status as an angiosperm ancestor, in which the angiosperm carpal is derived from a leaf (not stem).