Historical Sciences
All science uses evidence to test hypotheses, but not all science is concerned with experimentation. Hypotheses that are repeatedly confirmed by evidence eventually become theories in science. This is true for both the Experimental Sciences and the Historical Sciences.
Experimental sciences
Focus on the “traditional” form of scientific methodology
Controlled experiments in which variables can be manipulated
Control and experimental variables are used to identify cause of results
Repeatability of results
An experimental result is viewed as confirmed when it is repeated by other researchers
Hypothetico-deductive model
Evidence is gathered to falsify a hypothesis
Evidence that does not contradict idea, corroborates and supports hypothesis
e.g. Molecular biology, Materials science, Particle physics
**Evolutionary Biology can be an experimental and historical science
Historical sciences
Focus on unique, one-time events in time
Emphasis on contingency (Gould, 1989)
One event or group gives rise to another event or group
Small changes in beginning stages may produce dramatically different results
e.g. Gould asked the question "What would be conserved if 'The Tape [of Life] were played twice'?
These contingent events are not repeatable
Taxonomic groups only arise once
The env't may produce convergence, but not the same group
Historical sciences are interested in patterns of long-term change
e.g. Paleontology, Cosmology, Archaeology
Above: From de Santis 2021