Moscovian Age
The Moscovian Stage (315–307 Ma) is the second age in the Pennsylvanian Epoch, occurring after the Bashkirian age, and before the Kasimovian age
Geologic Age
315.2±0.2–307.0±0.2 Ma
Eon / Era / Period / Epoch
What happens during this time?
Large lycopsids interspersed with cordiates, sphenopsids, and other groups.
These forests altered landscapes creating river systems with multiple channels and stable alluvial islands.
Sphenopsids and ferns are typical in the wetland env'ts
Dryland settings were also present; dominated by "large, coriaceous gymnosperm leaves with mesic to xeric traits, including Cordaites, Lesleya, and Taeniopteris." (Bashforth et al. 2016)
The earliest undisputed reptile, Hylonomus, appears around 312 Ma
World's smallest vertebrate footprints 315 Ma (Stimson et al. 2012)
The earliest known spider appears, Arthrolycosa wolterbeeki (Dunlop 2023)
Above: Muscovian ladscape (Benton 1995)
Above: Earliest known reptile, Hylonomus
Additional Resources
Moscovian refuge for scale trees (Looy et al. 2014)