Lopingian Epoch
The largest extinction event in Earth's history
The Lopingian, or Late Permian (260–252 Ma) is in the Paleozoic Era, occurring after the Guadalupian Epoch (Middle Permian), and before the Scythian Epoch (Early Triassic)
Geologic Age
259.1–251.902 million years ago
Changhsingian: 254.14±0.07–251.902±0.024 Ma
Wuchiapingian: 259.1±0.5–254.14±0.07 Ma
Right: Representation of the flood basalts
of Siberian Traps during the Late Permian
What happened during this time?
Flora, seed-bearing
Glossopteris dominates in Gondwanaland; Cordaitales are also success groups
Both will go extinct at the end of the Permian
Early Ginkgophytes continue to diversify
The earliest evidence of the Czekanowskiales found in the early Late Permian (Kustatscher et al. 2019)
Cycads and Voltzialean conifers, diversify in the expanding desert ecosystems on Pangaea during this time
Giganopterids were among the most striking and important plants of the Cathaysian flora of Sino-Malaya but will go extinct at the end of the Permian
New seed ferns such as the Peltasperms and Corystopspermales appear in the Late Permian
Some peltasperms show evidence of forming leaf-like stems, called phylloclades (Karasev & Krassilov 2007)
Flora, spore-bearing
Extant clubmoss groups, such as the Lycopodiales and Selaginellales are found in the understory of some forests
Marattialean tree ferns are becoming less prominent with the drying of the landscape
Sphenophyllophytes and zygopterid ferns are found in the understory, and horsetails along rivers and wetlands
True ferns are becoming more successful as understory plants in gymnosperm forests
Noeggerathian progymnosperms are still present, but becoming less prominent, eventually going extinct at the end of the Permian
Permian extinction
Total of all Permo-Triassic events maybe 95% of animal species went extinct
Some plants species go extinct, but not nearly at the levels as animals
The extinction is thought to be gradual (extended over 9 million years), but now appears to be caused by two main pulses
First pulse of extinction: Between Capitanian Age of the Middle Permian, and the Wuchiapingian Age of this epoch.
Second pulse of extinction
Occurs during the end of the Changhsingian Age of the Lopingian Epoch, was the worst mass extinction in the history of multicellular life
This was a relatively fast event, less than 1 Ma, probably much less than 300 Ka
Coincides with the largest flood basalt of Phanerozoic (Siberian Traps), which spews a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, leading to extreme global warming
"Super eruptions" in eastern Australia occurred repeatedly between 256 and 252 million years ago spewing massive amounts of ash and gasses high into the atmosphere (at least 150,000 km³ of material) over 4 million years (Chapman et al. 2022)
The eruptions would have repeatedly covered the entire east coast in ash – meters thick in some places, and a massive outpouring of greenhouse gases would have triggered global climate change
The event is associated with a major anoxic pulse on both land and sea
Extreme global warming may have led to shallow water anoxia
Some evidence suggests a "burp" of hydrogen sulfide, perhaps due to blooms of hydrogen sulfide bacteria in anoxic deep water
If so, would have the additional effect of destroying the ozone layer, adding UV radiation damage to the mix
There is evidence of abundant malformed spores and pollen grains that demonstrate an influx of mutagenic UV irradiation (Liu et al. 2023)
Possibly associated with a major pulse of hypercapnia (high carbon dioxide levels) in sea
Animals with gills for gas exchange were more tolerant, while corals, which have carbonate skeletons, didn't respond that well
Groups with the traits more tolerant of CO2, such as clams and snails, largely survived the mass extinction
Carbon isotope fluctuations are consistent with the melting of oceanic methane hydrates
Deep sea ices (clathrates), rich in methane, melted due to warming
As the latter rose to the atmosphere, they would greatly increase the greenhouse effect (methane is a stronger greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide)
Through a positive feedback loop, clathrate-driven global warming would melt more clathrates, and so on...
New evidence suggests changes in the physiology of methanogen Archaea, there was a greater release of methane causing global warming
"...only the end-Permian mass extinction had devastating effects on vegetation on a global scale" (Cascales-Miñana et al. 2015)
The impact was greatest among spore-bearing plants and less so with gymnosperms
The extinction rate for plant genera is >60% from the Wuchiapingian to the early Middle Triassic (Anisian) (Xiong & Wang 2011)
Additional resources
Earth's greatest mass extinction 250 million years ago shows what happens when El Niño gets out of control (Phys.org 16Sep2024)
└Sun et al. (2024) Mega El Niño instigated the end-Permian mass extinction
UV radiation found as an important cause of Permian mass extinction (Univ of Nottingham 6Jan2023)
Pollen and Plant Stress: podcast discussion of how env't factors like UV radiation can disrupt meiosis and make gymnosperms sterile, and indicators of this same mechanism in the fossil record during extinction events (In Defense of Plants 13Feb2022)
Methanogens may have caused the largest extinction in Earth's history, the Permian Extinction (MIT News 31Mar2014)
Burning Fossil Fuels Helped Drive Earth’s Most Massive Extinction (NY Times 11/8/20)
After Earth's Worth Mass Extinction, Life Rebounded Rapidly, Fossils Suggest (NY Times 2/16/17)
No mass extinction for land plants at the Permian-Triassic transition (Nowak et al. 2019)