
Plants with true water-conducting cells (i.e. xylem)

Eutracheophytes are the clade of plants with true vascular tissue (i.e. xylem/phloem). This group includes all vascular plants, such as clubmosses, ferns, conifers, and flowering plants, but also an ancestral group called the cooksonioids. Basal eutracheophytes had tracheids that had a different wall construction than modern forms. N.b., this term applies to both xylem and phloem, but because of poor preservation of soft phloem tissues, most fossil taxa are included in this group based upon the secondary wall thickenings of the xylem.

Ecology & Form






Geologic Range


Incertae sedis

Aarabia brevicaulis †

Right: reconstruction of Aarabia brevicaulis

Aberlemnia caledonica

Right: Reconstruction of Aberlemnia caledonica (Fig 7 from Gonez & Gerrienne 2010) 

Bracteophyton variatum †

Right: Bracteophytum variatum fertile shoots

Changwui schweitzeri †

Right: Changwui schweitzeri 

Danziella artesiana †

Right: Danziella artesiana

Dibracophyton acrovatum †

Right: Reconstruction of Dibracophyton 

Stachyophyton yunnanense  

Right: Reconstruction of Stachyophyton