
Ancestral lycophytes

The zosterophylllophytes are an extinct, leafless group of plants, which displayed prickle-like enations in some, and true roots in some derived forms, such as the Sawdoniales. The spore cases of this group are lateral and clam-shaped. Anatomically, they possess an exarch protostele, similar to lycopsids, therefore they are placed as a sister group to the clubmosses. The barinophytes, are heterosporous group that has similarities to the zosterophylls, and sometimes considered derived zosterophylls. Zostera is the taxonomic name of the extant eel grass, and the original interpretation of these fossil appeared to be similar in form.

Ecology & Form

Sporophyte (spore-bearing) phase





Zosterophylls in the News

Huang et al. (2025) The smallest Zosterophyllum plant from the Lower Devonian of South China and the divergent life-history strategies in zosterophyllopsids









Craswallia haegensis † 

Above: Craswallia haegensis (from Plate IX of Morris & Edwards 2014)

Demersatheca contigua

Above: Demersatheca contigua † (from Fig 1, Li & Edwards, 1996)

Above: Demersatheca contigua (from Fig 1, Li & Edwards, 1996)

Discalis longistipa

Above: Reconstruction of Discalis longistipa showing portion of fertile axis with spines (Taylor and Taylor, 1993)

Distichophytum † 

D. ovatum  

D. mucronatum † 

Ensivalia deblondii 

Gosferia curvata

Right: The sporangia of Sawdonia deblondii † (From Fig. 3, Gensel & Berry 2001)

Guangnania † 

G. cuneata  

G. minor 

Above/Right: Guangnania cuneata reconstruction and compression fossil

Below: Guangnania minor reconstruction and compression fossil

Gumuia zyzzata

Hicklingia † 

H. edwardii

H. erecta


Above: Hicklingia edwardii (Figure 1, Kidston & Lang, 1923)


H. gracilis

H. recurvata † 



J. burubaensis

J. jugata

? Juliphyton glazkini


Macivera gracilis † 

Above: Macivera gracilis

Odonax borealis

Ramoferis amalia

Above: Diagrams of specimens of Ramoferis amalia † (Fig 2, Hao & Xue 2011)

Staphlophyton semiglobosa

Middle: Reconstruction of Staphlophyton semiglobosa (Gensel et al., 2024, Figure 1)

Right: Axes of Staphlophyton semiglobosa showing emergences, variation in branching (Gensel et al., 2024, Figure 2)

Trichopherophyton teuchansii  

Ventarura lyonii † 

Wenshania zhichangensis


Above: Wenshania zhichangensis † (from Fig 2 of Zhu & Kenrick, 1999)

Xitunia spinitheca

Yunia † 

Y. dichotoma

Y. guangnania 

Below: Yunia  

Zosterophyllum † 

Z. australianum 

Z. baoyangense

Z. bifurcatum

Z. deciduum

Z. divaricatum

Z. fertile

Z. llanoveranum

Z. longhuashanense

Z. longum

Z. minifertillum

Z. minor

Z. minorstachyum

Z. minutum

Z. myretonianum

Z. ovatum

Z. qujingense

Z. ramosum

Z. rhenanum

Z. shengfengense

*Z. sichuanensis

Z. spathulatum

Z. spectabile

Z. tenerum

Z. xishanense

Z. yunnanicum