The Nystroemiaceae are Permian gymnosperms with ovulate structures showing some apparently ancestral features more typical of early seed plants, whereas the leaves and branches show derived character states of broad-leaved gymnosperms
Ecology & Form
Branches were probably woody with variability in its branching pattern
Long and short shoots were differentiated
Vegetative leaf with a long petiole and a broad lamina with radiate reticulate venation
Lamina with entire or undulate margin and cordate or tapering base
Reproductive Structures
Frond-like ovuliferous organ
The main axis forking with pinnate lateral branches bearing numerous small bicornute ovules at their tips.
Leafy/ovuliferous complex arising from leaf axil
Ovuliferous organs attached in the axil of the petiole of leafy organ, or both organs crowded on a node
└Nystroemiaceae †
Geologic Age
Middle - Late Permian
Nystroemia †
Halle 1929; Wang & Pfefferkorn 2010
Early - Late Permian of North China
Seed plant with multi-order branching system
Ovuliferous organ frond-like, with the main axis forking into two or more pinnate branches adaxially bearing numerous small bicornute ovules with zygomorphic symmetry
Vegetative leaf with a long petiole; lamina reniform, basally cordate or tapering, entire or slightly undulate at the margin; veins numerous, finely diverging and reticulate.
Leafy/ovuliferous complex arising from leaf axil, forming the last-order branches, which are alternative or opposite on the second-last-order axis
Ovuliferous organs attached in the axil of the petiole of leafy organ, or both organs crowded on a node.
N. reniformis
Wang et al. 2003
N. shouyangensis
Middle - Late Permian (Capitanian–Wuchiapingian) of Shouyang, Shanxi, China
Ovuliferous organ with the main axis forking into two or more pinnate-like branches adaxially bearing numerous small bicornute ovules with zygomorphic symmetry
Vegetative leaf with a long petiole; lamina reniform, basally cordate, entire or slightly undulate at the margin; veins numerous, finely diverging and reticulate
Leaves and ovuliferous organs attached to short shoots, forming the last-order branches
The most critical difference is that N. shouyangensis has leaves and ovuliferous organs arranged on a short shoot, whereas N. reniformis are arranged on a long shoot
The leaf laminae of N. shouyangensis have a very distinctly cordate base, whereas N. reniformis mostly have a wedge-shaped lamina base, although the lamina base of certain small leaves is cordate to a degree
The ovuliferous organs of N. shouyangensis as a rule appear as a main axis that distally bifurcates once, producing two subordinate pinnate branches bearing numerous small bicornute ovules, whereas N. reniformis are more irregular
Above: Nystroemia reniformis (From Fig. 4, Wang & Pfefferkorn 2010)
Above: Nystroemia shouyangensis (From Fig. 6, Wang & Pfefferkorn 2010)